So I thought I'd just introduce my new Blog to everyone and let you know what to expect on these pages that will follow...
In 2013 I will be attempting to complete the Australian Sweep of Marathons as recognised by the Australian All States Marathon Club.
What is an Australian Sweep? Well if you can't be bothered checking out the club page, it is essentially running an official Marathon (42.195km) in each state of Australia within a calendar year - simple!
I have prepared a separate page which is detailing my scheduled races for the year also accessible from the menu at the top of the page.
I'd have to blame Roz and Kate for the inspiration in starting this blog. After so many people have asked me about my upcoming races and past experiences; I thought for the sake of my memory and to save some oxygen I'll blog it all!
So I look forward to sharing my race experiences with you all, hopefully some of you can join me on one of my runs along the way!